Happy Birthday, Ardyth! Seize The Birthday – 19 May, SSS Monday – 23 May, SSS Wednesday – 25 May

Hello … bonjour … and bon dimanche!  Hope your (long if you’re having one) weekend is going splendidly!  Today is a special day for a fun and lovely friend (I know as we spent a fabulous week together IRL, along with the other BABES, at the Lake House) … she’s an uber talented, wonderfully creative and delightful CAS designer … Happy, Happy Birthday, Ardyth!  May your day be blessed with love, fun and laughter (and cake!) … and may the coming year be your best one yet!  I made you this card … it might already be with you … if it isn’t, it’s not far away!

Happy Birthday ArdythI used SSS Lots of Dots to stamp all these different sized rainbow bubbles … they’re done in two or three layers of Distress Ink each (yay for MISTI!) … with some ink wiped off on the second and third passes to create a sense of dimension.  The colour on each bubble was blended with Wink of Stella and I heat embossed the Papertrey sentiment.  The panel was adhered flat to the card base with Ardyth-esque black strips top and bottom.  I remembered to snap a detail photo before popping the card in the mail … but didn’t remember to check the focus!  It’s not exactly clear … but you can at least see all the shimmery colour …

Happy Birthday Ardyth DetailIf you’re one of those rare people who’ve never visited Ardyth (what??) … do go over and enjoy oodles of awesome inspiration … and while you’re there you could leave some Happy Birthday wishes too!  BTW … take a picnic (you won’t want to leave) … and be prepared to be wowed!  There might even be a piece of bubbly birthday cake to be had …  Gelatine Bubbles. Note: See my board "cake decorating tips and tricks " for directions on how to make gelatin bubbles. Ardyth‘s card is heading to …

Seize the Birthday – No Toppings

SSS Monday – Make A Wish … Birthday Wishes, of course … each of those bubbles has one in it!

SSS Wednesday – Anything Goes

I’ll be setting out on my journey of discovery around blogland shortly, to see what everyone’s been up to … look forward to seeing you there!  Thanks so much for coming by, your visits and comments are always a joy!  Anita 🙂

          Simon Monday Challenge Blog          Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog

47 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Ardyth! Seize The Birthday – 19 May, SSS Monday – 23 May, SSS Wednesday – 25 May

  1. Bobby

    I think you channeled Ardyth with this card, Anita. Bright colors and lots of white space. It’s lovely and perfect for her.

  2. conil

    There’s something about dots that ropes me in every time and this one caught my scattered attention immediately (you should be proud, that’s quite a feat). LOVING this card and I’m sure Ardyth will as well. Just beautifully designed and swooning over those shimmery colors. Hope your weekend is fabulous, my friend.

  3. Nancy L.

    Anita, this card caught my eye over at STB…had to come by for a better look! Love it! Love your comments about Ardyth…so very true…but you my friend are just as talented too!

  4. Nonni

    Wow, fantastic stamping with such lush colours and the sparkle really makes this card! Great job! xxx

  5. Brenda Lawrence

    Wow, love how you used these dot stamps. I have this set but have yet to use it. Yep, a NBUS I’m afraid. Thanks for the inspiration as I will have to CAS this fabulous card. OMGosh, do I share a birthday with Ardyth?!!! Totally cool!!! Now if only I had the babe’s talents. Love that cake as.well. And love the shimmer and shine on your dots. Hugs, Brenda

  6. jmhave44

    Awesome design, bright colors, and the translucence you’ve created on these fun circles is amazing. Some wonderful stamping, thanks Misti! I can just bet that tool was so handy when you were creating this pretty card! Happy week ahead, TFS

  7. susannev2014

    Those fun, colorful, shimmery dots have so much dimension! This card is sheer delight and Ardyth will love it, I’m sure!
    Hope you had an enjoyable weekend and the coming week will bring only good things,

  8. Rose J

    Wow! What a lovely birthday card Anita! I love those beautiful sparkly dots & the way you have coloured them. Absolutely gorgeous!

  9. Claire A

    Oh this is fantastic Anita – I wish I’d done this for my PTI card last week..it’s kind of along the same lines – but so much better lol

  10. Susi

    What a delightful card! Such colourful, fun happy mail that Ardyth will love as soon as she sees it! Great tip on inking up those circles with the Misti – they turned out gorgeous!

  11. Jeanne

    Oh my goodness! What a happy rainbow delight this card is. I adore those bubbles! Thanks for sharing this fun and festive birthday card (and how you created the look). I’m sure your friend was tickled pink (and all the colors of the rainbow…hee).

  12. shirley-bee

    Love your dimensional dotty card, Anita, and I’m sure Ardyth will too! The sparkle reminds me of fruit pastilles! Thanks so much for playing along at Seize The Birthday 🙂

  13. Izzy Scrap

    Une très belle carte colorée et joyeuse ! J’aime beaucoup le relief que tu as réussi à donner sur les bulles. On dirait les balles qu’un clown ferait jongler au dessus de lui ! Et tu as raison, le blog d’Ardyth vaut vraiment le détour ! Un autre site à mettre dans mon vivier d’inspiration ! 😉

  14. cmayne

    Most definitely an Anita-style card with an Ardyth-esque twist! Your rainbow balloons are marvelous, floating across the stage. And that cake…oh my! Sweet tooth tingling!

  15. BożenA

    Hello Anita,
    with great pleasure that I admire your card. These bubbles are so beautiful filled with light. This card gives the impression as if he was alone soar into the air. I adore her.

  16. kimheggins

    Such a fun and festive birthday card for Ardyth..just love it. And that cake is equally as amazing! Miss you lots and see you real soon.

  17. Geri G

    Wowzers pal! You aced the CASE of that incredible bubble b-day cake! Ya think that Ardyth is gonna love, love, love your card? Heck yeah!

    Fabulous colors, sweet sparkle and a really cool, almost “3-D-ish” effect!

    ….October is getting closer!!!! Yipppppeeee!

  18. Karen Mead

    Love your fun colourful card Anita and it’s perfect for Ardyth! Sorry that I haven’t been to visit in a while – life is busy but I’m trying to squeeze some crafty time in:) I hope things with you are well – hugs xx

  19. Joyce M.

    Very Ardyth-esque. She is sure to love this. I am intrigued about how you got your color gradations on the dots, and want to try this myself. I love how colorful and festive this card is.

  20. Marisela Delgado

    Hola, Anita! OMGosh! I absolutely LOVE this card! I love polka dots for some reason. Love it! Happy Birthday to your friend, by the way. Just curious, Anita…..what type of adhesive do you use when adhering a panel to a card? Just curious. My cards always warp when I glue them. Have a great weekend!

  21. BarbGhig

    This is such a fabulous card, Anita! CAS, graphic and loaded with colorful bubbles, which makes it absolutely perfect for Ardyth! I love how you added dimension to the circles with your inking, and the pattern is perfect! Pairs up perfectly with the birthday cake, too 🙂
    You are such a dear friend to create such a special card for Ardyth…I’m sure she is going to cherish it for a long time to come!

  22. born57

    How did I miss this amazing card for Ardyth! It’s gorgeous and fun ,love the shimmery polka dots!

  23. Cornelia (fun stamping)

    So much bubbly happiness here! Awesome card, but even more so that cake! WOW- I wonder how they did that! I’d like a slice…

  24. maria f.

    Beautifully done! Love the effect the mutliple layers of ink gives. I just created a dotty jumble, one layer only and it’s not nearly as pretty. Great job capturing Ardyth-esque.

  25. Petra

    Oh, what did we do before we had our MISTI’s, hey!!!! Perfect stamping to get wonderful dimensions on the fun bubbles, Anita!!!!! And what did we do before the days of WoS to add such lovely shimmer to our cards!!!! This is such a great card for Ardyth, Anita and it has such a cheerful and happy feeling to it, hey!!!!! Love the black strips at the top and bottom to have the bubbles and the sentiment come alive even more!!!! Have to go back to have another look!!!! So lovely!!!!


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