AAA Cards #84, Happy Little Stampers Watercolour – February, SSS Wednesday – 22 February, Where Creativity Meets C9 #6

Hello … bonjour!  This is the first non-DT/GD card I’ve posted since the beginning of the year … goodness, haven’t the weeks just flown by?  Seems that suddenly, we’re on the edge of spring (on this side of the world) … and soon, the chill of winter will be over for another year … yay!  So, to celebrate, I’m sharing a little floral number with you today …

aaa-84-hls-watercolour-feb-sssw-22-2-wcmc9-6This card started life as a Brusho panel, created at the Lake House (thanks to the lovely Darnell for the lesson and use of the Brusho’s).  It was trimmed, heat embossed with Concord & 9th’s floral cluster and a Papertrey sentiment … and then I went to work with a waterbrush and paper towel to lift some of the colour from the flowers and leaves.  I let it dry, adhered it flat to a card base and that was it … quick and easy and CAS … even though the white space isn’t white!

I’m playing along at …

AAA Cards – Watercolour

Happy Little Stampers Watercolour – Anything Goes

SSS Wednesday – Anything Goes

Where Creativity Meets C9 – Love

So happy to have had chance, at last, to meander through blogland this week … and leave some love on my way round … it’s been wonderful to see so much delicious inspiration!  Thanks so much for coming by, your visits and comments are always a joy!  Bon weekend!  Anita 🙂




42 thoughts on “AAA Cards #84, Happy Little Stampers Watercolour – February, SSS Wednesday – 22 February, Where Creativity Meets C9 #6

  1. kimheggins

    Miss Anita….this is just so beautiful. I love that gorgeous and vivid blue. I remember watching you created this wonderful masterpiece and just love that incredible stamp you used, but you truly made it shine! Miss you!

  2. Michele F

    Ditto Jodi, and then some!!! I am quite surprised that you could still lift that color after all these months … were you surprised, too? and even after the heat from embossing that gorgeous C&9th image! Just wonderful, Anita!!! with all of this lovely Aqua, perhaps you should send it to E.H. Pin-Sights, too? just a thought xx

  3. Barbara Roe

    Your cards are always lovely Anita and no one would have noticed a white space wasn’t white. It is fun to see you experiment with new techniques and nothing beats playing with stamps, ink and paper with a friend.

  4. Bev

    Oh I remember that fun day and how we watched this come together!!! Dear friend, this card is way beyond gorgeous!!!! The colors alone are enough to make one swoon, but the white embossing was such a smack-me-in-the-head great idea! Sure wish all of blogland could see this in person… I owe you an email, too. Hope to get to that in a bit my darling sweetie pie. LOVE this card. xoxoxo Missing you every day. xoxoxo

  5. jmhave44

    Lovely, lovely brusho background. (this would make a terrific sea background too!) It looks beautiful with the white embossed flowers. Bet it brought back such good memories of your visit with all those skilled crafts ladies! TFS & Hugs

  6. Brenda Lawrence

    Wow Anita, this is a beautiful card! The brusho background is fabulous and I love that you got a real life tutorial from Auntie Darnell! Fun, fun, fun! I so love those flowers embossed on that background and I love the way you have lifted some of the background color within the flowers. Very cool look indeed! I am ready for spring too even though we have had a very mild winter here, it’s still winter non the less and spring and summer are always welcome! I used to like the cold, but not anymore! lol I guess that happens with age. Here’s to spring Anita! Hugs, Brenda

  7. BarbGhig

    You have totally inspired me to take out my Brusho’s, Anita ~ This is GORGEOUS! I love how you removed some of the color from the blooms, and your sentiment is perfect! Love this card so much!

  8. Gerrina

    Those flowers look so perfect on the great background! Beautiful blue colours in your Brusho panel! By this time of the year I am looking forward to a bit more dry and bit more warmer weather and some colour in the garden…. Enjoy your sunday!

  9. Petra Swart

    Oh, you have achieved such a gorgeous look with the brusho’s and doing the stamped image by lifting some of the colour, Anita!!!! That floral cluster is really beautiful and sings of spring, hey!!!! The sentiment going from side to side is just fabulous and the white on the coloured panel is so striking!!!!! For sure a lovely CAS look, my friend!!!!!
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!!!

  10. izzyscrap

    C’est absolument magnifique Anita ! J’ai l’impression de nager au dessus de la barrière de corail ! J’ai récemment acheter des Brushos (en soldes !) car après avoir vu plusieurs projects faits avec je n’ai pas pu résister ! Par contre je n’ai pas Darnell pour m’expliquer toutes les petites astuces pour les utiliser ! Je dois dire qu’en voyant ta carte, elle t’a super bien coachée ! J’adore !
    Profite bien de ton dimanche (ici plutôt gris !).

  11. Conil

    *GULP* Holy moley girl. This is so dreamy…you can get lost in it for a while. Such a luscious color and the doily like fussycut floral is the perfect accessory. I’m totally impressed with the finished product…just staring at it is a delight.

  12. susannev2014

    So happy for you that you got to play just for fun! What a wonderful background! Absolutely love those colors! And the white embossing makes the flowers pop! This is just stunning!
    I finally ordered some Brushos today! A very belated birthday gift for me.

  13. catcraig

    Anita, this is lovely…I love the effect of brusho’s. I find them fun to play with. You’ve made a fantastic card with your panel.

  14. baileyrosy

    Oh my Anita this really is frame worthy such a stunning vibrant background and you respected it beautifully with that gorgeous white embossing, this really is a stand out card.


  15. Geri G

    THE most beautiful non-white-space EVER!!!! Made my heart ache (in a good way) wishing that we could all live closer so that we could have more real life visits! I love how beautifully the floral images and simple sentiment blend with the background! You knocked this one clear out of the ballpark!

  16. KreativeKymona

    Hey Anita!!! I love your card. The colors are so pretty!! I love the white embossing on top of it. Super clever!! Thanks for playing along with the Where Creativity Meets C9 Challenge.

  17. Kylie

    Isn’t it wonderful when you can make something just for fun! Your brusho background is amazing. Beautiful!!! Thanks so much for playing along at Happy Little Stampers xx

  18. Shona Chambers

    Aqua/turquoise heaven!!!! You know I’m going to fall in love with this card and I’ve admired this stamp image for so long (on my wishlist). I don’t get much time these days for non-DT cards either, which is such a shame. This one is stunning and I’m so glad you shared it with us at Happy Little Stampers!!

  19. djkardkreations

    Ah, how fun to think back on that play date we had with the Brushos! This is absolute genius and you’ve no idea how much this has inspired me, Anita. After the LH, I bought that stamp and I’ve tried painting the flowers after white embossing and I haven’t really like any of the designs I’ve come up with. But this! Wow, this is remarkable, my friend! Now I just have to check and see if I have some bgs waiting to be used or if I get to play again with my Brushos! So thank you, mon amie! ILYAMYATYAS!! Hugs, Darnell

  20. cmayne

    Hello sweet friend! I’m tuning in late (as usual…sighhh) and oh, what a pretty start to my stroll through your gallery! An amazing background, rich with varying depths and hues of colour, that is absolutely perfect for the white embossed C9 image! Gorgeous!! By the way, have you seen their recent release? I soooo need a lottery win! At my mom’s, heading back over the weekend…and then we need to get some “moving’ going! Sooooo excited!
    Hugs and love~c

  21. Cornelia (fun stamping)

    I could have sworn I left a comment – apparently not….probably wanted to and got distracted or had too much to do…well, better late than never….another stunner!!! I just bought the set – what an inspiration to ink it up!


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