Time Out DT #29 Mid Challenge Reminder, WPlus9 Throwback Thursday #3, SSS Monday 20/4, SSS Wednesday 22/4

Our bright and colourful challenge at Time Out is still only half way through … there’s still almost a week to play along with our Inspired By Words theme … ‘You Can’t Make A Rainbow Without a Little Rain’.  You’ll be so surprised (not!) to find that my card this week is again a rainbow one …

Time Out DT 29R, WP9 3, MTDS April, SSSM 20-4Time OutI made this card at the same time as last week’s rainbow one … recognise those little diamonds inside the quilted stitched circles?  Yep, same ones … with a bit of a different look!  Here, I stamped the stitched border pattern three times down a white card panel, added the diamonds in rainbow colours and then trimmed the panel to size.  The sentiment was stamped onto a slender slice of white card, which was adhered flat to the quilted panel, and the panel was popped up on the base card.  All those yummy stamps are from WPlus9.

Have you played along with us yet?  How about letting your mind go to work on our phrase and see what creative path it takes?  You can focus on any single word or on part or all of the phrase, so there’s lots of scope!  If you need a little more inspiration, head over to Time Out … all the details are there along with plenty to enjoy from our amazing DT and our talented Guest Designer, Michele H from Crimson Owl Creations!   Look forward to seeing you in the gallery!

My card’s heading to …

WPlus9 Throwback Thursday – inspired by the range of colours on all Maureen’s fabulous cards!

SSS Monday – Due Date … DT cards always have a due date!!

SSS Wednesday – Clean and Simple … there’s lots of white space around all that colour!

I’ve not been around much over the last few weeks, so am in the throes of catching up with all the inspiration in my Feedly list, as well as with everyone who has arrived in my email inbox … I’m getting there … thanks for your patience as I do!   Thanks too, for coming by, your visits and comments are always a joy!  Anita 🙂

          Simon Monday Challenge Blog          Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog

36 thoughts on “Time Out DT #29 Mid Challenge Reminder, WPlus9 Throwback Thursday #3, SSS Monday 20/4, SSS Wednesday 22/4

  1. serendipitydragonfly

    This is gorgeous Anita – looks fantastically complicated but I totally agree with Loll – it definitely looks like a rainbow made into a quilt! :blush:


    Karen xxx

  2. djkardkreations

    You and Ardyth are both just the best at creating fascinating rainbow graphic and geometric cards!! This shouts happiness from every angle, Anita!! I miss you, too!! Mwah! Hugs, Darnell

  3. c

    Geometric gorgeousness, Anita! Another perfectly stamped, beautifully coloured rainbow that has me bedazzled! Love this!

  4. susannev2014

    Another gorgeous rainbow card from you! You have no idea how happy they make me! Thanks! I really wanted to play in this one but I cut a tendon and nerve in my thumb this week and can’t do much. Will probably be able to do even less after my operation tomorrow…

  5. Brenda

    Wow Anita, this is a gorgeous card! I love the rainbow look, but yet looks like a quilt too. Simply stunning like always!! Hugs, Brenda

  6. Bobby

    I have this stamp set and could never stamp it as well as you just did. Those rainbow diamonds are perfect. I didn’t realize this is the set the previous card came from. I’m even more impressed with that card now.

  7. kimheggins

    This is so pretty and so much work too. You have the patience of a saint in my opinion…love your fabulous card. Miss you lots! Take care and sending hugs.

  8. jmhave44

    I love quilts so of course I think this is just stunning. Was amazed to see it was the same diamonds as on your earlier card. A brilliant use of the motif with the circles to achieve this wonderful look. Bet it was fascinating to do this, and love the electric colors too. TFS &Hugs

  9. Tracey McNeely

    Beautiful graphic design Anita! You created a beautiful rainbow, makes me smile amongst all this cold we are having this week!

  10. Claire A

    Nice to see you back Anita – I got the impression Monsieur Mojo went walkabout on you too! You truly are the queen of clean and graphic…loving that rainbow effect!

  11. Joyce M.

    This is so bright and happy. I have this set and would never have thought of this idea. Pinning of course. And, your stamping is absolutely perfect. Tell me you didn’t have to start this one a dozen times?

  12. Andrea Ockey Parr

    You did an absolutely stellar job on this card! It pops with color, which I love, and I also like the delicate stitched look you incorporated. It reminds me of a beautiful quilt and while the colors blend so well, it’s still wonderfully clean and sharp. You nailed this and I’m so glad you shared it with us for this week’s Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  13. chriss58

    What a terrific beauty! Love the black stitched diamond circles against the Anita textured card base and your perfect placement of the colours! Love the progression order of the rainbow colours!
    Fabulous rainbow graphic card Anita!

  14. smouwen

    Amazing colorful card! Love the pattern! Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  15. cheiron

    So pretty! I love the coloring on this pattern. Thank you so much for for playing along with us this week over at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge 🙂

  16. Shona Chambers

    No wonder you like using this stamp, it has the most amazing effect! This card is gorgeous and love that its a narrow one too. Like how you didn’t colour in all of the stamp either, really pops with the white amongst all that colour. So sorry I haven’t been commenting much of late. The school holidays always throws me for a loop as I don’t like spending time on the computer during the day, would rather do something with the kids. And of course they go to bed so much later when there is no school the next day! Have just spent last three nights at Mum’s which puts me further behind but will gradually catch up with what everyone has been doing. Hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing your card for the next challenge!!

  17. Crimson Owl Creations

    Anita, this is a super creative and unique take on a rainbow challenge! I LOVE it! It’s been so much fun being a GDT with all you gals this week! So much great inspiration!
    Take care!
    Michele, GDT

  18. Geri G

    I’m going to apologize right back at you cuz I’ve been MIA as well. Spring has sprung and I choose to play outside rather than inside. I also have a ton of catching up to do (which will likely be occurring at 11:38pm…or later).

    Fabulous stamped images – great colors! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sentiment. Will be searching that out tomorrow FOR SURE!

    Hope all is well with you dear friend. “Same old, same old” in my part of the world….which is just the way I like it! Miss you tons XX OO

  19. Maria f.

    More rainbow goodness with those diamonds! Rainbows are such wonderful creations! So looking forward to your crisp and I’m guessing rainbow-y creations this week too! Hugs.

  20. Maureen Merritt

    Absolutely gorgeous! You brought those throwback stamp sets to life. Thanks so much for playing along.

  21. BarbGhig

    I really love how you played with this die, Anita! Such a beautiful ‘Rainbow’ of colors and your sentiment is placed perfectly…Love it!

  22. Petra

    Brilliant, Anita!!! So cleverly done!!!! And how perfectly your diamonds fit in the circles!!! You have really created a lovely look here!!!! You are so good at working with colours and creating amazing graphic looks!!! Love the font of the sentiment that perfectly fits your graphic panel!!!


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